Version 1.2.5
- Allow HTML markup in Table body text field.
Version 1.2.3
- Freemius SDK.
Version 1.1.9
- Enhancement - Allow HTML markup in Table text field.
Version 1.1.8
- Updated Elementor Icon Library.
- Allow SVG icon Upload.
- Allow HTML markup in Service Box description field.
- Divider, Before/After border radius option.
Version 1.1.5
- Elementor\Scheme_Typography is deprecated.
- Elementor\Scheme_Color is deprecated.
- New Demo (Counselling) - WordPress Template Site with professional looking design for promoting Psychologist, Therapist, and Counselor services.
- New Demo (ApplyJob) - WordPress Template Site with beautiful design for job portal, job seekers, online recruitment and all kind of jobs and career opportunities.
- New Demo (Job Portal) - WordPress template site suitable for all kinds of job portal, online recruitment, job seekers, site with awesome design.
- Allow HTML markup in Team description field.
Version 1.1.2
- New Demo (Zakra Kantipur News) - WordPress Template Site with elegant design for for News portal, Magazine site and Business News.
- New Demo (Zakra Real Estate) - WordPress Template Site for your Real Estate services with elegant design.
- Added responsive option for Everest Forms Widget Column Gap option.
- Added responsive option for Countdown Widget Alignment option.
Version 1.1.1
- PHP notice offset value of bool while no image is added in the Slider Widget.
- New Demo (Zakra Organic Farm) - WordPress Template Site for Organic Farm and Organic Agriculture Farming.
- New Demo (Zakra Digital Diary) - WordPress Template Site with elegant design for creative blogger.
- New Demo (Zakra Music Band) - WordPress Template Site for Music Band.
- New Demo (Zakra Digital Marketing) - Zakra Digital Marketing– WordPress Template Site for all kind of Digital Marketing.
- New Demo (Royal Hotel) - WordPress Template Site for Best Hotel Services.
- Introducing Video Gallery Widget.
- Post, image size option.
- Post, image border radius option.
- Post, image position option.
- Placeholder color option on Everest Forms widget.
- Added responsive in slides alignment option of Testimonial Carousel Widget.
- Added responsive in image size option of Testimonial Carousel Widget.
Version 1.1.0
- Syntax error on Everest Forms widget while PHP5.6 or lower.
- Added responsive in image size option of Testimonial Carousel Widget.
Version 1.0.9
- New Demo (Zakra Online Store) - WordPress Template Site for online shopping, a simple way to manage your online store.
- New Demo (Zakra Cleaner) - WordPress Template Site for professional cleaning and maid Services.
- Introducing Everest Forms Widget.
- Added tag as meta option in Post Widget.
- Allow HTML markup in Testimonial Carousel message field.
Version 1.0.8
- PHP notice undefined index while adding Post Widget first time.
- Post Widget title line height issue.
- Post Widget avatar and category overlapping.
- New Demo (Zakra Portfolio) - WordPress Template Site for creative professional to showcase work experience, skills and services.
- New Demo (Zakra WebHost) - WordPress Template Site for web hosting and domain name registration business with sleek and professional design.
- New Demo (Zakra Online Course) - WordPress template site for authors, writers, and bloggers to build the ideal library of books and commercializing their works.
- New Demo (Zakra Writer) - WordPress template site for authors, writers, and bloggers to build the ideal library of books and commercializing their works.
- New Demo (Zakra Chapel) - WordPress Template Site for leading people into a growing relationship with God and lending hand for those in need.
- Introducing WC Product Widget.
- Accordion Toggle icon alignment option.
- Accordion Toggle content inline editing support.
Version 1.0.7
- HTML render issue in accordion widget.
- PHP error notices in widgets.
- New Demo (Zakra Care) - Showcase your support, love and care online.
- New Demo (Zakra Law Firm) - Professional website for special education advocate.
- Modal popup background option.
- Testimonial Carousel wrapper padding option.
Version 1.0.6
- Carousels slides per view affected by tablet spv.
- Filterable gallery, HTML markup appearing while buttons disabled.
- Tabs, option to activate any tab by default.
- Update Freemius sdk.
Version 1.0.5
- Post, Author avatar taking full width.
- Pricing table, space between currency symbol and price.
- PHP notice while CTA type set none in Service Box widget.
- New Demo (Zakra Pro Gym) - Showcase your fitness program online.
- Post, option to show/hide meta data.
- Post, CTA options.
- Post, box hover style options.
- Team, CTA options.
- Introducing Table Widget.
- Introducing Accordion Toggle Widget.
- Tabs widget style 3.
- Pricing table, CTA width option.
- Pricing table, alignment option.
- Pricing table, features list alignment option.
- Pricing table, original price position option.
Version 1.0.4
- Pricing Table Widget border is not removing from option.
- Divider Widget alignment issue while stacked.
- PHP Warning while no terms on Posts Widget.
- New Demo (Zakra Pro Startup Business) - Kickstart your site with this professional looking demo.
- Introducing Advanced Image Widget.
- Pricing Table Widget, introducing Style 2 layout.
- Pricing Table Widget currency style options.
- Service Box Widget icon box shadow option.
- Tabs Widget, introducing Style 2 layout.
- Tabs Widget alignment options.
- Team Widget designation typography options.
- Posts Widget show hide element options.
- Posts Widget border radius options.
- Media Carousel Widget hover effects options.
- Filterable Gallery Widget hover effects options.
- Divider Widget added responsive to alignment option.
Version 1.0.0
- Initial Public Release
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